Finally - Chics are here!!!


On April 1st, 2005 we brought home our first batch of chics - 4 in all. They are Rhode Island Red pullets which will grow up to lay brown eggs for us.  We have several more coming in a couple of weeks, but with this first set it somehow feels more like a farm with chickens on it!




Gibson, a little Mother Hen herself, LOVED playing with the chics for hours!!



Fortunately for the chics, Naiya is a little nervous about holding them right now.



Gibson and Sarah hold chics while Naiya looks on



The older kids taking turns holding them.



Well, the Ducks, Geese and other Chickens came in the mail today!  We got 4 ducks, 2 geese and 11 chicks.




The Chick and Duck Brooder



The older chicks are on the left, the geese are in the middle, the rabbits are on the right



11 Americauna and Rhode Island Red chicks and 4 Mallard Ducks



2 Emden Geese



Here's the first set of chicks, 2 weeks old.



The Rabbits






The birds are all living in the barnyard now!



This is one of the chics from the first batch.



The Ducks and Geese love to play in the water!



The chicks getting some scratch



The ducks playing in their new pond



Feeding time!



A goose relaxing



Our white Aracuna rooster



An Aracuna hen.



The bantie rooster - notice the feathered legs/feet.



The kings and queens of the barnyard.



A Rhode Island Red hen.


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